Our Goal
To provide reparations to Black Leaders and Congregations of the ELCA especially as they study and retire.
Our Mission
“To establish justice and equity.”
To build a fund that allows those from the dominant culture to contribute so that some of the damage done due to inequitable treatment of Black Leaders in society and the ELCA--because of systemic racism, white supremacy, and complacency--may be repaired.
Excessive student loan burdens
Calls to communities that are unable to pay a living wage.
Not being paid what they are worth or comparable to White Leaders.
Low pension contributions (necessary to work well past 65 years)
Our Vision
“. . . that they may have life and have it abundantly!” (John 10:10b)
Founding Board
Rev. Priscilla (Nakia) Paris-Austin, MA. MDiv
The revelation of God's justice, equity, and liberation will require a reorientation of systems, a reimagining of community, and a redistribution of resources.
Rev. Angela “Angie” Shannon
The experiences of Black Lutheran leaders like Rev. Jehu Jones (1786-1852) and those of today point to the uncomfortable truth that are not living into the freedom God gives each of us. Regardless of who we are our liberation is bound together. As Fannie Lou Hamer once said, “Until all of us are free, none of us are free.” The 66th Synod Reparations Fund creates space to engage the ministry of reconciliation, “that they [we] all might be one” and liberated together.
Rev. Dr. Andrea Walker
God’s plan is for life abundant, white supremacy and systems of oppression have thwarted God’s plan; the 66th Synod is one way of creating equity for those who have devoted their lives to God.